
The Individual Eligibility Screening

JFOU conducts an individual entrance qualification screening before application to determine if applicants have similar or greater academic ability to senior high school graduates.

Screening System and Method

Individual entrance qualification screening does not exempt an applicant from enrollment selection examinations. It determines whether or not an applicant is eligible to apply. If, as a result of the assessment, an applicant is determined to be eligible to apply, they are required to submit the specified forms by the prescribed application deadline and sit the enrollment selection examinations.


The Undergraduate Course Entrance Qualification Screening Committee of the University’s Office of Admission and Enrollment conducts individual entrance qualification screening separately for each applicant based on the application documents submitted by the applicant. Please also note that the individual entrance qualification screening system was implemented and is conducted at the discretion of JFOU, and the results of its decisions are only binding on this University.

Applicants Subject to Screening

– Applicants subject to individual entrance qualification screening are those who have graduated (or are expected to graduate) from an international school covering 12 years of study among those international schools designated as equivalent to senior high school in the Japanese educational system, and who will have turned 18 years of age before March 31, 2023 (by September 15, 2022 for those wishing to sit the enrollment selection examinations in September 2022).


– Applicants not covered by 1. above, and for whom it is objectively determined that their academic record at vocational or other schools and their practical experience in society are at a similar to or greater level than senior high school graduation, and who will have turned 18 years of age before March 31, 2023 (by September 15, 2022 for those wishing to sit the enrollment selection examinations in September 2022).


– Applicants who are graduates etc. of various schools under the former educational system stipulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.

Details of Qualification Screening

An overall assessment will be conducted of an applicant’s academic record, practical experience, and other qualifications they have obtained based on their application forms to determine if they can be deemed to have similar or greater academic ability to senior high school graduates. Screening covers the following items in particular:


– Academic record such as completing a course at a vocational or other school

– Practical experience in society, qualifications obtained, etc.

– A certain number of credits earned as a credited auditor at a university

– Details of other courses completed under the former educational system

Documents Necessary to Submit

1: JFOU Individual Entrance Qualification Screening Application Form (format specified by the University)

2: School record or academic transcript issued (and fully sealed and unopened) by the head of the educational institution

3: Overview of the educational institution (clearly specifying the nature of the educational institution)

4: Regulations of the educational institution (clearly specifying the curriculum subjects, number of teaching hours, and requirements for graduation)

5: Overview of higher education paths of graduates from the educational institution (information showing the numbers of entrants to university etc. as well as graduates gaining employment)


*4. and 5. are not required to be submitted if the overview of the educational institution also includes regulations and an overview of higher education paths.

Submission Deadline of Necessary Documents

Please write “入学資格審査申請書類在中” in Japanese with red ink on the front of the envelope and submit the above documents by registered mail or courier to the JFOU Information Center by the submission deadline for the selection method concerned.


*Candidates applying for the Common Test for University Admissions conducted by the National Center for University Entrance Examinations and planning to apply for JFOU applicant selection using the Common Test for University Admissions must submit the above documents by Thursday, September 1, 2022.

Results Notification

The results of Individual Entrance Qualification Screening will be sent to applicants in writing around two to three weeks after the application documents have been received.

Inquiries and Application Documents Delivery Address

For Inquiries: Office of Admission and Enrollment Information Center, JFOU

TEL: (+81)42 797 5419 (Weekdays 9:00AM to 5:00PM)


Application Documents Delivery Address: Individual Screening Officer, Office of Admission and Enrollment, JFOU

3758 Tokiwa-machi, Machida-shi, Tokyo 194-0294 Japan

Special Consideration or Support for Disabled Students

Applicants requiring special consideration or support for examinations or study should consult the University before the application period.


Applicants requesting consultation in advance should download the following application form, fill in the required fields, and post it to the Office of Admission and Enrollment or attach it to an email to the Disability Support Officer by the submission deadline.

Please note that the submission deadline varies by selection method, but in each case is around one month before the application period. See the Application Guidelines for the specific dates for each selection method.

Once the submitted documents have been checked, the University will make contact with dates etc. for consultation in advance.


Please be aware that consideration during examinations may not be available if advance consultation is not held or the application form is submitted after the deadline.

In addition, consideration or support may not be available for the first semester after enrollment at the University if consultation is not held in advance of sitting examinations and only requested after acceptance and enrollment. Such a situation may mean that taking classes required for graduation becomes problematic, putting graduation itself in jeopardy. Please therefore be sure to consult the University in advance if you wish to request consideration or support.


Please also consult the University as early as possible when advance preparation by the University is required.

Inquiries about Special Consideration or Support for Disabled Students

Office of Admission and Enrollment Information Center, JFOU

TEL: (+81)42 797 5419 (Weekdays 9:00AM to 5:00PM)

Application Form & Postal/Email Address

Office of Admission and Enrollment Information Center, JFOU



Postal Address: 3758 Tokiwa-machi, Machida-shi, Tokyo 194-0294 Japan

Online application is available for all admissions at JFOU 樱美林大学所有的入学考试都导入了网络申请。

「インターネット出願サイトのマイページ」で出願期間中に登録を行い、インターネット出願を行うことができます。 Register at “My Page for Admission” during designated period for online application. 您可以在“入学考试专用我的页面”的申请期间在线注册和申请。