
Online Interview

    1. Q.

      Internet connection failed during advance connection test or online interview examination.


      Enter the Zoom room (URL) again and call out for a staff about your circumstance.

    2. Q.

      I received a phone call from JFOU during advance connection test or online interview examination.


      Please respond. Please DO NOT respond to other phone calls.

    3. Q.

      In case of lateness or non-attendance due to unavoidable circumstances


      If you will be late or cannot attend due to unavoidable circumstances, or have difficulty for an online interview due to bad connection, JFOU will take inquiries for correspondence. Please contact the Office of Admission and Enrollment Information Center 1 week prior to the advance connection test for each selection method.

以上のFAQを確認しても不明な点がある場合は入学部インフォメーションセンターへお問い合わせください。Please contact the Office of Admission and Enrollment Information Center if there is anything you are unsure about after reading the FAQ page.确认了以上的常见问题,如果还有不明白的地方,请咨询入学部信息中心